Main Subjects = kjjk
Digital mapping of soil texture fractions using regression kriging and neural network residual kriging model

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 17 February 2025


mohammad shahriari; mohammad reza pahlavan rad; masooume delbari; peyman afrasiab

Effect of Particle Size, Amounts, and Sources of Biochar on Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Two Texturally Different Soils

Volume 36, Issue 3, December 2022, Pages 321-334


Abbas Yekzaban; Seyyed Ali Akbar Moosavi; Abdolmajid Sameni; Mahrooz Rezaei

Effect of Petroleum Products on the Amount of Spontaneously and Mechanically Dispersible Clays in Soils with Different Textures

Volume 36, Issue 2, September 2022, Pages 209-224


Raziyeh Daryaee; Seyyed Ali Akbar Moosavi; Reza Ghasemi; Masoud Riazi

Estimation of Soil Tensile Strength Using Different Modeling Methods in Some Pistachio Orchards of Rafsanjan, Iran

Volume 35, Issue 3, December 2021, Pages 303-319


Hossain shirani; nahid Asgharineghad; Somayeh Sadr; Isa esfandiarpoor; Hossain shekofteh

Comparison of Physical Quality Indices of Topsoil and Subsoil under Wheat and Sunflower Cultivation

Volume 34, Issue 3, December 2020, Pages 373-386


Ayoub Osmani; Hossein Asgarzadeh; Farrokh Asadzadeh

Estimating Fractal Dimensions of Calcareous Soils Using Soil Texture Data

Volume 34, Issue 3, December 2020, Pages 387-406


Hasan Mozaffari; Seyyed Ali Akbar Moosavi

Investigation of Heavy Metals Distribution in Soils of Bamu National Park due to Human Activities

Volume 28, Issue 3, January 2015, Pages 585-597


F. Hushmand Firoozabadi; A. A. Karimian; M. R. Elmi; H. R. Azimzadeh