The bioavailability and ultimate fate of heavy metals in the environment are controlled by chemical sorption. In this study, sorption characteristics of Cd in 19 calcareous soils of Iran were assessed at varying Cd concentrations (0.024-12.8 mM Cd) and 25°C. Sorption isotherms were well described by the Langmuir and Freundlich equations (R2= 0.95-1.00 and R2= 0.94-0.99 for Langmuir and Freundlich models, respectively).The maximum adsorption capacity of soils ranged from 2460 to 10226 mg kg-1. Soils with higher clay content had greatest sorption capacity as estimated by the maximum sorption parameter of the Langmuir equation. The results revealed that cation exchange capacity (CEC), clay, sand, and OC were the most important soil properties affecting Cd adsorption behavior in calcareous soils. Maximum adsorption parameter of Langmuir and Freundlich constant coefficients were significantly correlated with clay, sand, silt, CEC, and OC. However, No statistically significant relation was found between the model parameters and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE)
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Sharafbafi, S. , and Shahbazi, K. . "Adsorption Characteristics of Cadmium by Some Calcareous Soils of Iran", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 28, 1, 2014, 65-76. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2014.120152
Sharafbafi, S., Shahbazi, K. (2014). 'Adsorption Characteristics of Cadmium by Some Calcareous Soils of Iran', Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 28(1), pp. 65-76. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2014.120152
S. Sharafbafi and K. Shahbazi, "Adsorption Characteristics of Cadmium by Some Calcareous Soils of Iran," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 28 1 (2014): 65-76, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2014.120152
Sharafbafi, S., Shahbazi, K. Adsorption Characteristics of Cadmium by Some Calcareous Soils of Iran. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2014; 28(1): 65-76. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2014.120152