Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are contaminants of major concern in environmental issues due to their carcinogenic or mutagenic characteristics. Nanozerovalent iron particles are unique nano particles applied for environmental remediation. Nanozerovalent iron particles, palladium supported nanozerovalent iron, and iron coated sand particles were prepared and applied to two soil samples polluted with a particular concentration of pyrene. Afterwards, when the treatment process was completed, the remaining pyrene levels were extracted and measured by HPLC. In Siyahkal soil sample with a pH of 5.03, the least and the highest percentage of Pyrene removal by Fe0 were observed in, respectively, 0.025 and 0.15 (g Fe0.g -1soil) treatments and amounted to, respectively, 46.54% to 68.88%. For bimetalic Fe0/Pd particles, the minimum and maximum levels of pyrene elimination occurred at 0.00625 and 0.15 (g Fe0.g -1 soil) treatments and were, respectively, 54.61% and 67.79%. The least and maximum amount of pyrene removed by Fe0 coated sand particles were 50.68% and 77.32% in 0.00625 and 0.1 (g.g -1 soil) treatments, respectively. In the Lahijan soil sample with the pH of 3.72, the minimum and maximum percentage of pyrene removal were observed at 0.00625 and 0.15 () treatments, which were 54.8% and 63.03% for Fe0 and 57.45% and 80.03% for Fe0/Pd. The range of Pyrene ejection by nZVI coated on sand particles changed from 61.04% to 78.29% for 0.15 and 0.1 (g.g -1 soil), respectively.
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Hajatpour, Z. , Davoudi, M. and Shahbazi, K. (2013). Remediation of Pyrene–contaminated Soils Using Nanozerovalent Iron Particles. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 27(3), 405-414. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126274
Hajatpour, Z. , , Davoudi, M. , and Shahbazi, K. . "Remediation of Pyrene–contaminated Soils Using Nanozerovalent Iron Particles", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 27, 3, 2013, 405-414. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126274
Hajatpour, Z., Davoudi, M., Shahbazi, K. (2013). 'Remediation of Pyrene–contaminated Soils Using Nanozerovalent Iron Particles', Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 27(3), pp. 405-414. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126274
Z. Hajatpour , M. Davoudi and K. Shahbazi, "Remediation of Pyrene–contaminated Soils Using Nanozerovalent Iron Particles," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 27 3 (2013): 405-414, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126274
Hajatpour, Z., Davoudi, M., Shahbazi, K. Remediation of Pyrene–contaminated Soils Using Nanozerovalent Iron Particles. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2013; 27(3): 405-414. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126274