In order to investigate the effects of corn-wheat rotationon the available-P and inorganic phosphorus fractions of soil, with and without P application, agreenhouse study was carried out as a 2 x3 x2 factorial experiment in a randomized complete blocks design. Treatments included two types of soil,3 levels of P, and two plantingtreatments(corn-wheat rotation vs fallow land),with 3 replications. In a period of 5 months, variations of Olsen-P and soil inorganic phosphorus fractions were studied. The results indicated thateffects of soil P application and planting treatment on Olsen-P and soil inorganic phosphorus fractions were significant. Withincreasing P application, soil inorganic phosphorus fractions increased, but, with balancedP application, P fixation in soil was decreased. In corn-wheat rotation,suitable P application rates at the time of planting corn will also meet the requirement of the next crop of wheat.
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mostashari, M. . "Effect of Corn-Wheat Rotation on Inorganic Fractions and Available Phosphorusin a Calcareous Soil", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26, 1, 2012, 19-32. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2012.126326
mostashari, M. (2012). 'Effect of Corn-Wheat Rotation on Inorganic Fractions and Available Phosphorusin a Calcareous Soil', Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26(1), pp. 19-32. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2012.126326
M. mostashari, "Effect of Corn-Wheat Rotation on Inorganic Fractions and Available Phosphorusin a Calcareous Soil," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26 1 (2012): 19-32, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2012.126326
mostashari, M. Effect of Corn-Wheat Rotation on Inorganic Fractions and Available Phosphorusin a Calcareous Soil. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2012; 26(1): 19-32. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2012.126326