The role of biological fertilizers in improvement of soil physical and chemical properties is important. A field experiment was carried out as factorial in randomized complete block design with four replicates during 2006-2007 at National Bean Research Station in Khomein, Iran. Treatments included five different rhizobium strains, nitrogen fertilizer (100 kg N ha-1), control (without inoculation and N-fertilizer) and three red bean varieties. The results showed that rhizobium treatments were significantly effective on plant height and pods per plant. Varieties were significantly effective on the number of days to maturity, number of days to flowering, plant height, 100 grain weight, pods per plant, grain per pod, grain per plant, grain yieldو and N concentration. Interaction between rhizobium strains and varieties were significantly effective on pod per plant and green area percentage. Among the bacteria strains, the maximum yield was obtained from L-120 rhizobium strain (2950 kg ha-1), however, there was no significant difference between these treatments. The maximum grain yields were obtained from Goli variety (3190 kg ha-1) inoculated with L-39 rhizobium strain, L-120 rhizobium strain and Akhtar variety (2692 kg ha-1) and L-58 rhizobium strain and D81083 line (2678 kg ha-1).
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Dadivar, M. , , Khodshenas, M. A. , , Ghadbykloo, J. , and Ghadiri, A. . "Evaluation of the Effect of Rhizobium Strains on Yield and Yield Components of Red Bean Cultivars", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26, 2, 2012, 185-193. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2012.126374
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M. Dadivar , M. A. Khodshenas , J. Ghadbykloo and A. Ghadiri, "Evaluation of the Effect of Rhizobium Strains on Yield and Yield Components of Red Bean Cultivars," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26 2 (2012): 185-193, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2012.126374
Dadivar, M., Khodshenas, M. A., Ghadbykloo, J., Ghadiri, A. Evaluation of the Effect of Rhizobium Strains on Yield and Yield Components of Red Bean Cultivars. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2012; 26(2): 185-193. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2012.126374