Environmental pollution is one of the main problems of human societies. Plants are able to affect the mobility of heavy metals in the rhizosphere due to root exudates and other mechanisms resulting in a change in their phytoextraction ability. One of the methods for reclaiming contaminated soils, called phytoremediation, makes use of plants. Phytoremediation has a lower cost, is compatible with nature, and requires less equipment and facilities. Khoozestan province not only has many oil wells but also many industries that are causing soil contamination. Therefore, there are several sources of soil pollution in the date palm orchards in Khoozestan province necessitating research on reclamation. This study was carried out with three replications in randomized block design in greenhouse at the Date Palm and Tropical Fruit Research Institute in Ahvaz with the following treatments: 1-control (only date treess), 2-only corn, 3-only alfalfa, 4-only Sunflower, 5-corn intercropped with date palm, 6-alfalfa intercropped with date palm, 7- sunflower intercropped with date palm. After the crops were grown for one growth period, they were removal from the soil, and then were weighed. Concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, copper, manganese, and lead in soil and plant were measured. Uptake index was calculated. The results showed that alfalfa intercropped with date palm recorded significantly higher amount of fresh and dry weight than corn intercropped with date palm in pot. Sunflower and alfalfa grown alone recorded the highest and lowest lead uptake index, respectively. The highest rate of lead translocation factor belonged to alfalfa intercropped with date palm. In other words, alfalfa translocations of lead from root to shoot while intercropped with date palm was more than the other treatments.
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Mohebbi, A. (2013). Effects of Corn, Alfalfa, and Sunflower on Growth and Uptake of Elements by Date Palm in a Lead Contaminated Soil. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26(4), 327-336. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126410
Mohebbi, A. . "Effects of Corn, Alfalfa, and Sunflower on Growth and Uptake of Elements by Date Palm in a Lead Contaminated Soil", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26, 4, 2013, 327-336. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126410
Mohebbi, A. (2013). 'Effects of Corn, Alfalfa, and Sunflower on Growth and Uptake of Elements by Date Palm in a Lead Contaminated Soil', Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26(4), pp. 327-336. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126410
A. Mohebbi, "Effects of Corn, Alfalfa, and Sunflower on Growth and Uptake of Elements by Date Palm in a Lead Contaminated Soil," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 26 4 (2013): 327-336, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126410
Mohebbi, A. Effects of Corn, Alfalfa, and Sunflower on Growth and Uptake of Elements by Date Palm in a Lead Contaminated Soil. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2013; 26(4): 327-336. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2013.126410