In order to study the effects of drought stress, zinc application and mycorrhiza inoculation on uptake of micro nutrients in maize (KSC 704), an experiment was carried out in research farm of Islamic Azad University of Arak, Iran, during 2006-2007. Experimental design was factorial based on RCBD with three replications. Treatments composed of irrigation levels at three levels (%100, %75 and %50 of crop water demand), mycorrhiza fungi at two levels (with and without inoculation), and Zinc sulfate at three levels (0, 25 and 45 kg ha-1) .The results of combined variance analysis showed that drought stress significantly increased the concentration of copper, manganese, iron, and zinc, but reduced the concentration of boron. Inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi increased concentration of all nutritional elements. Using zinc sulfate increased the concentration of copper and zinc, but reduced the concentration of manganese, iron and boron. A negative antagonistic interaction was found between zinc and iron. Effect of water stress, mycorrhiza fungi, and zinc sulfate alone was significant on the percent of protein in grain at %1 probability level. Effect of interactions between irrigation and mycirrhiza fungi was significant on the concentration of copper and boron at %1 probability level, but it was not significant on the concentration of other elements. However, the concentration of all nutritional elements and grain percent of protein increased with mycorrhiza inoculation under drought stress. Use of zinc sulfate under drought stress increased the concentration of copper, manganese, iron, zinc and grain percent of protein, but reduced the concentration of boron. Interaction effects of mycirrhiza fungi and zinc sulfate increased the concentration of all nutritional elements. The highest zinc concentration and grain percent of protein was observed in the treatments consisting of inoculation with mycorrhiza fungi + 25 kg ha-1 zinc sulfate and irrigation at 50% and 75% water requirement, respectively.
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Sajedi, N. A. , and REJALI, F. . "Effects of Drought Stress, Zinc Application and Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Uptake of Micro Nutrients in Maize", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 25, 2, 2011, 83-92. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2011.126473
Sajedi, N. A., REJALI, F. (2011). 'Effects of Drought Stress, Zinc Application and Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Uptake of Micro Nutrients in Maize', Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 25(2), pp. 83-92. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2011.126473
N. A. Sajedi and F. REJALI, "Effects of Drought Stress, Zinc Application and Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Uptake of Micro Nutrients in Maize," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 25 2 (2011): 83-92, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2011.126473
Sajedi, N. A., REJALI, F. Effects of Drought Stress, Zinc Application and Mycorrhiza Inoculation on Uptake of Micro Nutrients in Maize. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2011; 25(2): 83-92. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2011.126473