A greenhouse factorial experiment, using completely randomized design, with four replications was carried out to investigate interactive effects of Zn, Fe and Mn in various wheat organs. Treatments consisted of three Zn levels (0, 40 and 80 mg kg-1 soil) in the form of ZnSO4.7H2O, three levels of Fe (0, 15 and 30 mg kg-1 soil) in the form of Fe-EDDHA and three levels of Mn (0, 15 and 30 mg kg-1) in the form of MnSO4.7H2O. Results showed that Zn treatments had a significant effect on concentration of these elements in wheat organs. Application of Zn increased Fe concentration significantly in stems (85.2 to 99.5 mg mg kg-1) and decreased iron in roots (171.4 to159.7 mg kg-1) and clusters (56.0 to 52.6 mg kg-1) of wheat. Zinc application also decreased Mn concentration in roots (75.2 to 72.7 mg kg-1) and stems (24.4 to 20.4 mg kg-1) and increased its concentration in clusters (16.2 to 28.6 mg kg-1). Soil application of Fe reduced Zn (46.6 to 43.3 mg kg-1) and Mn (44.2 to 33.8 mg kg-1) concentrations in clusters and stems (34.4 to 24.4 mg kg-1 for Zn and 26.0 to 20.4 mg kg-1 for Mn) and increased their concentration in roots significantly. Soil application of Mn had a significant effect on Mn concentration in clusters and roots of wheat. Mn application also resulted in an increase of Zn concentration in roots (57.4 to 59.2 mg kg-1) and stems (29.0 to 31.3 mg kg-1), increase of Fe concentration in stems (142.2 to 163.9 mg kg-1) and clusters (52.0 to 55.2 mg kg-1) and reduction of Fe concentration in roots of wheat. In integrated use of these three elements, Zn movement rate to clusters was higher than Fe and Mn. Considering the higher demands of plants for Fe and Mn than Zn, higher translocation of Zn to cluster, might disturb nutrient balance in plant tissues.
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Hamzehpour, N. , , Malakouti, M. , and Majidi, A. . "Zinc, Iron and Manganese Interactions in Various Organs of Wheat", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 24, 1, 2010, 1-8. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126524
Hamzehpour, N., Malakouti, M., Majidi, A. (2010). 'Zinc, Iron and Manganese Interactions in Various Organs of Wheat', Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 24(1), pp. 1-8. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126524
N. Hamzehpour , M. Malakouti and A. Majidi, "Zinc, Iron and Manganese Interactions in Various Organs of Wheat," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 24 1 (2010): 1-8, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126524
Hamzehpour, N., Malakouti, M., Majidi, A. Zinc, Iron and Manganese Interactions in Various Organs of Wheat. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2010; 24(1): 1-8. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126524