Improvement of plant nutrient uptake with biological agents, is a key factor in sustainable agriculture and can stable and increase crop yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of phosphate solubilizing microorganisms, mycorrhizal fungi and seed priming on nodulation of chickpea. The trial was set up in a factorial randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments comprised of seed priming (Osmo-priming, Hydro-priming and control), Mycorrhiza (Glomus intraradices and control) and phosphate solubilizing microorganisms (Bacillus megaterium، Aspergillus niger and control). Dry and fresh weight of root nodules and total and active number of nodules were measured. Results indicated that treatments had positive effects on most of the nodulation characteristics. All primed seed had more or equal total number of nodules compared with control. In mycorrhizal and priming interaction, treatments with PSF + Osmo-priming and PSB + Hydro-priming had the highest total number of nodules. Among treatments, priming + PSF was found superior over other treatments in increasing nodule fresh weight. Phosphate solubilizing microorganism + priming caused the highest nodule dry weight. Results showed that chickpea nodulation characteristics can be improved by appropriate combination of biofertilizer and seed priming (PSF + Osmo-priming, PSB + Hydro-priming and AM + Hydro-priming).
بی نام. 1385. آمارنامه تولید و سطح زیر کشت سال زراعی 84-1383. وزارت جهاد کشاورزی.
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Alimadadi, A. , , Jahansouz, M. , , Besharaty, H. , and Tavakkol-Afshari, R. . "Evaluating the Effects of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seed Priming on Nodulation of Chickpea", Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 24, 1, 2010, 43-53. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126528
Alimadadi, A., Jahansouz, M., Besharaty, H., Tavakkol-Afshari, R. (2010). 'Evaluating the Effects of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seed Priming on Nodulation of Chickpea', Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 24(1), pp. 43-53. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126528
A. Alimadadi , M. Jahansouz , H. Besharaty and R. Tavakkol-Afshari, "Evaluating the Effects of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seed Priming on Nodulation of Chickpea," Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 24 1 (2010): 43-53, doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126528
Alimadadi, A., Jahansouz, M., Besharaty, H., Tavakkol-Afshari, R. Evaluating the Effects of Phosphate Solubilizing Microorganisms, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Seed Priming on Nodulation of Chickpea. Iranian Journal of Soil Research, 2010; 24(1): 43-53. doi: 10.22092/ijsr.2010.126528