Effects of Deficit Irrigation on Canola Yield and Water Use Efficiency

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Researcher, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Khorasan

2 Researcher, Soil and Water Research Institute


In a RCB design , effects of deficit irrigation on Canola yield and water use efficiency (WUE) were investigated. Also phonologic stages sensitive to drought stress were determined at Mashhad Agricultural Research Station. Treatments included: I1= without irrigation. I2= irrigation at stem elongation, flower bud development, flowering and pod development stages. I3= irrigation at flower bud development, flowering, and pod development stages. I4= irrigation at stem elongation, flowering and pod development stages. I5= irrigation at flower bud development and pod development stages. I6= irrigation at flowering and pod development stages. Maximum grain yield (2837 kg.ha-1) was obtained from I4 treatment (Duncan’ test , α=0.05). Lowest yield was obtained in I1 treatment equal to 1746 kg.ha-1 .The same treatment also had the lowest percent of seed oil. Because of above-normal precipitation in the second and third year, I1 treatment had the highest water  use efficiency as 0.6 kg.m-3. According to our results, irrigating at stem elongation,  flowering , and pod  development is necessary for obtaining suitable yield and WUE.


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