Effects of Using Sub Surface Drip in Irrigation of Tomato and Eggplant with Treated Municipal Wastewater

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Azad University, Khorasan Branch, Isfahan, Iran

2 Professor of Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan

3 Iran member of Scientific Board of Isfahan Soil and Water Research Center, Isfahan, Iran, respectively.


for agriculture. Municipal wastewater is marginal quality water and using this for irrigation can be an important consideration when its disposal is being planned in arid and semi-arid regions. In this study, secondary municipal effluent was used for irrigation of tomato. Five different irrigation treatments were designed with three replications. The treatments were: furrow irrigation with normal water (FN); surface drip irrigation with treated wastewater (DI); subsurface drip irrigation in 15 cm depths with treated wastewater(SDI15); subsurface drip irrigation in 30 cm depths with treated wastewater (SDI30); furrow irrigation with treated wastewater (FW). Crop water requirements were determined by ET-HS model. Also, chemical and microbiological characteristics of soil, water and crops were analyzed. The results indicated that SDI treatments could control environmental contamination and in comparison with surface irrigation, decrease the pollution problems in the soil such as total coliform and Fecal coliform. The highest water use efficiency (WUE) was obtained with SDI15, which were about 13.15 and 11.64 kg/m3 for tomato and eggplant respectively. A part of this increased yield can be related to better soil moisture and increased available nitrogen in the root zone. Finally, among the sewage treatments, SDI15 produced the least amount of leaching nitrate and heavy elements into the soil. The concentration of these elements in tomato and eggplants samples show that based on the obtained results, and the critical limits, no excess accumulation of these elements was observed. Whenever good quality water is scarce, water of “marginal quality” will have to be considered 


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